The question is: "The scale on a map is 1 cm: 30 mi. The distance on the map between Dallas, TX, and Miami, FL, is 43.5 cm. What is the actual distance between Dallas and Miami?"

I got 145 I'm not sure what I did wrong

30 mi/cm * 45 cm is NOT 145 mi

check your calculator


1 cm: 30 mi
= 43.5 cm : (43.5)(30 miles) *
= 43.5 cm : 1305 miles

in *, I multiplied both terms of the ratio by 43.5
think of ratios as fractions, if you multiply or divide both the numerator and denominator
by the same constant the value of the fraction remains the same
2/5 = 2(8)/(5(8)) = 16/40
This forms the basis for the method of reducing fractions to lowest terms.

To find the actual distance between Dallas, TX, and Miami, FL, you need to set up a proportion using the scale on the map:

Scale on the map: 1 cm represents 30 miles
Distance on the map: 43.5 cm

Let's set up the proportion:

1 cm / 30 mi = 43.5 cm / x

To solve for x, cross-multiply and then divide:

1 * x = 30 * 43.5
x = 1305

Therefore, the actual distance between Dallas and Miami is 1305 miles, not 145 miles.

To solve this problem, you need to use the given scale on the map to find the actual distance between Dallas, TX, and Miami, FL.

The scale on the map is 1 cm: 30 mi, which means that 1 centimeter on the map represents 30 miles in real life.

You are given that the distance on the map between Dallas and Miami is 43.5 cm.

To find the actual distance, you need to set up a proportion using the scale.

Let's consider the proportion:

1 cm on the map x (actual distance between Dallas and Miami)
------------- = ------------------------------
30 mi 43.5 cm

To solve for x, you can cross multiply and then divide:

1 cm * x = 30 mi * 43.5 cm

x = (30 mi * 43.5 cm) / 1 cm

x = 1305 mi

Therefore, the actual distance between Dallas, TX, and Miami, FL, is 1305 miles.

So, it seems like you made an error in your calculation. Divide the product of 30 and 43.5 by 1 to get the correct answer.