if Mo reads 2/5 of her book on Monday then 1/2 of the remaining pages on Tuesday then 5/9 of the remaining pages on Wednesday the nthe remaining pages on Thursday plus reads 68 more pages on Tuesday then Wednednesday how many pages in the book

Total No of pages = x

Monday = 2/5 x (remaining pages are 3/5 x)
Tuesday = 1/2 of 3/5 x = 3/10 x
Rem pages on Tuesday
= 3/5 x - 3/10 x
= 3/10 x
Wednesday = 5/9 of 3/10 x = 1/6 x
Wed + 68 = Tues
1/6 x + 68 = 3/10 x
3/10 x - 1/6 x = 69
(9-5)x/30 = 68
x = (68 *30)/4
x = 510 Answer


(1/6) * (510) +68 = (3/10) * 510
153 = 153

4/5 of the book

Mon 2/5 remainder 3/5

Tues half of 3/5 (6/10)=3/10
Wed 5/9 - ( 3/10 x5/9) criss cross simplify (1/2x1/3= 1/6) but 68 less than Tues
3/10 - 1//6 (common denominator =30) 9/30 - 5/30 = 4/30 = 68 (68 divided by 4=170 1/30 =17)
2/5=12/30 (12x17=204 Mon) - 3/10=9/30 (9x17=153 =Tues) - 1/6=5/30 (5x17=85 Wed or 153-68=85)
as there were 4/30 left ( 4x17=68) 204+153+85=442+68=510

To solve this problem, we need to break it down step by step.

Let's assume the total number of pages in Mo's book is represented by "x."

On Monday, Mo reads 2/5 of her book, which is (2/5) * x = 2x/5.
The remaining number of pages becomes x - 2x/5 = (5x - 2x)/5 = 3x/5.

On Tuesday, Mo reads 1/2 of the remaining pages, which is (1/2) * (3x/5) = 3x/10.
The remaining number of pages becomes (3x/5) - (3x/10) = (6x - 3x)/10 = 3x/10.

On Wednesday, Mo reads 5/9 of the remaining pages, which is (5/9) * (3x/10) = 15x/90 = x/6.
The remaining number of pages becomes (3x/10) - (x/6) = [18x - 10x]/60 = 8x/60 = 2x/15.

On Thursday, Mo reads the remaining pages plus an additional 68 pages.
The number of remaining pages is 2x/15, so the total number of pages Mo reads on Thursday is 2x/15 + 68.

Thus, the expression for the total number of pages in the book is:
2x/5 + 3x/10 + x/6 + 2x/15 + 68.

To find the value of "x" (the total number of pages in the book), we need to equate this expression to the total number of pages in the book:
2x/5 + 3x/10 + x/6 + 2x/15 + 68 = x.

We can now solve this equation to find the value of "x."

Answer - 510

MONDAY Read 204 (2/5) Remaining 306
TUESDAY Read 153 (1/2 of 306 3/5) Remaining 153
WEDNESDAY 85 (5/9 of 153) Remaining 68
Tuesday is 68 more than Wednesday 85 + 68

Mon read 2/5, leaving 3/5

Tue read 1/2 * 3/5 = 3/10, leaving 1/10
fix your missing numbers and then you can do the subtraction to find the total.