Solomon reads 4 pages of a book every 6 minutes. Which proportion could be solved to find x, the number of minutes it will take to read 9 pages..

One possible proportion to solve for x is:

4 pages / 6 minutes = 9 pages / x minutes

By cross multiplying, we have:

4x = 6 * 9

4x = 54

Dividing by 4 on both sides, we get:

x = 54 / 4 = 13.5

Therefore, it will take Solomon 13.5 minutes to read 9 pages.

U sure

Apologies for the mistake in my previous response. Let's correct it:

4 pages read in 6 minutes

4 pages / 6 minutes = 9 pages / x minutes

Cross multiplying:
4 * x = 6 * 9
4x = 54

Dividing by 4:
x = 54 / 4
x = 13.5

Correctly, it will take Solomon 13.5 minutes to read 9 pages. Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

make it as a fraction

Certainly! The proportion can be written as:

4 pages / 6 minutes = 9 pages / x minutes

We can simplify this into a fraction by setting it up as:

(4/6) = (9/x)

4x = 6 * 9
4x = 54

Dividing by 4:
x = 54 / 4
x = 13.5

The fraction form is:
4/6 = 9/13.5