which soil layer contains the most humus ?

(1) A horizon
(2) B horizon
(3) C horizon
(4) D horizon

Is something missing here? Are there supposed to be photos or something?

To determine which soil layer contains the most humus, we need to understand the different soil horizons and their characteristics.

1. A horizon: Also known as the topsoil, this is the uppermost layer of soil that is rich in organic matter like humus. It contains a high concentration of nutrients and microorganisms. However, depending on the region and environmental factors, the amount of humus can vary.

2. B horizon: This layer is often referred to as the subsoil. It typically receives the leached minerals and organic matter from the A horizon above. While it may contain some humus, it is generally not as rich in organic matter as the A horizon.

3. C horizon: The C horizon is the layer of soil that represents the parent material from which the upper layers of soil are formed. It primarily consists of weathered rocks or unconsolidated sediments and generally has a lower humus content compared to the A and B horizons.

4. D horizon: The D horizon, also known as the bedrock, is the deepest layer of soil that consists of the solid rock beneath the other soil horizons. It does not contain any humus.

Based on this information, the soil layer that typically contains the most humus is the A horizon or the topsoil. It is where organic matter accumulates and decomposes, resulting in a higher concentration of humus compared to the other horizons.

So, the correct answer is (1) A horizon.