In a reaction FeS2 is oxidized by O2toFe2O3 and SO2 . If the equivalents of O2 consumed

are 'y' then the equivalents of FeS2 consumed and moles of 2 3 2 Fe O and SO produced are
respectively are

I'm having trouble knowing what you want. And what are you calling equivalents.

4FeS2 + 11O2 --> 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2
mols Fe2O3 produced = y mols FeS2 x (2 mols Fe2O3/4 mols FeS2) = y/2
mols SO2 produced y mols FeS2 x (8 mols SO2/4 mols Fe2O3) = 2y

To find the equivalents of FeS2 consumed and the moles of Fe2O3 and SO2 produced, we need to balance the chemical equation for the reaction first.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between FeS2 and O2 to form Fe2O3 and SO2 is:

4 FeS2 + 11 O2 → 2 Fe2O3 + 8 SO2

From the balanced equation, we can see that 4 equivalents of FeS2 react with 11 equivalents of O2 to produce 2 equivalents of Fe2O3 and 8 equivalents of SO2.

Now, let's find the equivalents of FeS2 consumed and the moles of Fe2O3 and SO2 produced.

Since 4 equivalents of FeS2 react with 11 equivalents of O2, we can set up the following proportion:

4 FeS2 / 11 O2 = x / y

Cross-multiplying, we get:

4 FeS2 * y = 11 O2 * x

Simplifying, we find:

4y = 11x

To find the equivalents of FeS2 consumed and the moles of Fe2O3 and SO2 produced, we need to solve this equation for x and substitute the values in the balanced equation.

To find x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 11:

4y / 11 = x

Now, we can substitute this value back into the balanced equation:

4 FeS2 + 11 O2 → 2 Fe2O3 + 8 SO2

4 FeS2 + 11 (4y / 11 O2) → 2 Fe2O3 + 8 SO2

Simplifying further:

4 FeS2 + 4y O2 → 2 Fe2O3 + 8 SO2

From this equation, we can see that for every 4 equivalents of FeS2 consumed, 2 equivalents of Fe2O3 and 8 equivalents of SO2 are produced.