When summarizing _____ of a plot one should notice the key ideas about how the conflict builds


When summarizing the plot of a story or narrative, one should pay attention to the key ideas about how the conflict builds. To effectively do this, here are the steps you can follow:

1. Read or observe the entire plot: To understand the conflict and its development, read or watch the entire story. This will give you a comprehensive view of the plot and allow you to identify the important elements.

2. Identify the central conflict: Determine what the primary conflict or problem is in the story. This could be a struggle between characters, internal conflicts within a character, or a conflict between a character and their environment.

3. Recognize the initial situation: Take note of the starting point of the conflict. This is where the story presents the status quo, introducing the characters and setting the stage for the conflict to arise.

4. Observe the rising action: This is the part of the plot where tension and complications build. Notice how subsequent events and actions by the characters escalate the conflict and raise the stakes.

5. Note the turning point: Identify the moment when the conflict reaches a critical point and takes a significant turn. This turning point alters the course of events and leads to the climax of the story.

6. Pay attention to climax: The climax is the highest point of tension in the story, where the conflict reaches its peak. It is usually a decisive moment that determines the outcome of the conflict.

7. Consider the falling action: After the climax, the falling action follows, where the story starts to wrap up loose ends and the intensity of the conflict begins to subside. It leads towards the resolution.

8. Look for the resolution: The resolution is the conclusion of the story, where the conflict is typically resolved or at least reaches a new equilibrium. Note how the resolution brings the story to a satisfying or thought-provoking end.

By focusing on these key points, you will be able to summarize the plot, paying special attention to how the conflict builds throughout the narrative.

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