2. What change was made in 1969 to South Carolina constitution of 1895? (1 point)

A. The governor was permitted to succeed.
B. The residency requirement for voting was eliminated.
C. The court system would no longer be controlled by the state senate.
D. The legislature was givien the right to impeach the governor for crimes against the state.

To find the answer to this question, you will need to research the South Carolina constitution of 1895 and any amendments made in 1969. Here's how you can do that:

1. Start by searching for the South Carolina constitution of 1895. You can search for it online using keywords like "South Carolina constitution 1895" or by visiting official government websites that may have a digital copy of the constitution.

2. Once you have found the South Carolina constitution of 1895, read through it to understand its original provisions and structure.

3. Next, search for any amendments made to the South Carolina constitution in 1969. You can search for "South Carolina constitution amendments 1969" or similar keywords. Look for reliable sources such as government websites, constitutional law databases, or scholarly articles.

4. Once you have found information about the amendments made in 1969, read through the relevant sections or articles to identify the specific change made to the South Carolina constitution of 1895.

Based on the options provided in the question, you can now compare the information you found during your research to determine the correct answer.
