1) What was the purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

How did other countries respond when Portugal built a global empire?

Select 3 events that led to the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire.

Led to Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire
Caribbean colonies were used as a base to conquer the mainland.
Malinche helped the Spanish ally with Aztec enemies.
Moctezuma refused to welcome Cortes when he arrived in the Aztec empire.
A battle broke out between the Aztecs and the Spanish in which Moctezuma was killed.
The Aztecs successfully defended Tenochtitlan from the Spanish invaders.

What was a major resource exported from Spanish America?
What new route did explorer Christopher Columbus follow in 1492?
How was Portuguese trade in India different from that in the Americas?

Please help me with my homework :(


Copy and paste these links and read. It might help you out!

I'd be happy to help you with your homework! Let's start by answering your questions one by one:

1) The purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas was to divide the newly discovered lands outside of Europe between Spain and Portugal. This treaty was signed in 1494 and it aimed to resolve conflicts between the two nations over their territorial expansion in the New World. The treaty established a dividing line, known as the Line of Demarcation, which basically split the globe into two spheres of influence. The east of the line was allocated to Portugal, while the west was allocated to Spain.

2) When Portugal built a global empire, other countries responded in different ways. Some nations, particularly those with strong naval powers like England, France, and the Netherlands, saw Portugal's success and were inspired to embark on their own expeditions and establish colonies to compete with Portugal. They wanted to share in the wealth and resources that Portugal was acquiring. This led to increased exploration and colonization efforts by these countries, especially in the Americas and Asia.

3) The three events that led to the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire are:

- Caribbean colonies were used as a base to conquer the mainland: After establishing colonies in the Caribbean, the Spanish used them as a launching point for expeditions to the mainland. These colonies provided resources, supplies, and manpower for the conquest of the Aztec Empire.

- Malinche helped the Spanish ally with Aztec enemies: Malinche, also known as Doña Marina, was a Native American woman who served as a translator and advisor for the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés. Her language skills and knowledge of the local culture allowed the Spanish to communicate with the different indigenous groups who were enemies of the Aztecs. This alliance weakened the Aztec Empire and facilitated the Spanish conquest.

- Moctezuma refused to welcome Cortes when he arrived in the Aztec empire: Moctezuma II, the last emperor of the Aztec Empire, initially did not confront Cortés and his men when they arrived in Tenochtitlan (the capital of the Aztec Empire) because he believed they might be gods. Instead, he sent them gifts and agreed to meet with them. This hesitation allowed the Spanish to enter the city and establish a stronger position, eventually leading to the downfall of the empire.

4) A major resource exported from Spanish America was silver. When the Spanish arrived in the Americas, they discovered large silver mines in places like present-day Mexico and Peru. The extraction and exportation of silver from these mines became a crucial source of wealth for the Spanish Empire.

5) In 1492, explorer Christopher Columbus followed a new route by sailing westward across the Atlantic Ocean. His goal was to find a shorter and direct route to Asia, particularly to India, by reaching it through the west. Instead, he stumbled upon the Caribbean islands and the mainland of the Americas, which became known as the New World.

6) Portuguese trade in India was different from that in the Americas in various ways. While the Spanish focused on colonization and extraction of resources in their American colonies, the Portuguese primarily established trading posts and controlled key ports along the coasts of India and other Asian regions. They had a more direct involvement in commerce, establishing a network of trade routes and dominating maritime trade in the Indian Ocean. The Portuguese also sought to control the spice trade, which was highly profitable, and they established monopolies on certain goods, leading to significant economic benefits for Portugal.

I hope this helps you with your homework! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

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