Which of the following is a key abiotic factor in rivers

A: number of fish
B: the amount of salt
C: how animals adapt
D: speed of water

abiotic: physical rather than biological; not derived from living organisms.

see if that helps, then chose an answer, i'll then see if i can help further.

To determine the key abiotic factor in rivers, let's break down the options provided.

A) Number of fish: This is a biotic factor as it refers to living organisms within the river ecosystem. Biotic factors are the living components of an ecosystem.

B) Amount of salt: This is a potential abiotic factor. Salt content in rivers can vary depending on factors such as proximity to the ocean, geological characteristics, and human factors. Therefore, this option could be a key abiotic factor in some rivers.

C) How animals adapt: This seems to refer to the ability of animals to adapt to their environment, which is not a specific abiotic factor but rather a general characteristic of living organisms.

D) Speed of water: This is an abiotic factor in rivers. The speed of water can have a significant impact on the overall dynamics of a river, such as erosion, sediment transport, and the distribution of nutrients and oxygen.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D: speed of water. The speed of water is a key abiotic factor in rivers.