in which of the following ways did Washington's native people produce a minimal impact on their environment? select all that apply.

a. built fish traps across rivers
b.harvested bark from trees
c. dammed rivers,altering salmon runs
d. logged old-growth forests
e. filled in swamps
f. burned forested areas to increase plant diversity
g. tore down hills to make cities

plz help

1. A, B, F

2. C
3. C
4. C
5. B, E

Thank you chewy! 100%%%%%

chewy is correct unless your question is different, but still chewy is someone to trust

A,b, and f

To determine which ways Washington's native people produced a minimal impact on their environment, we need to understand the practices mentioned and evaluate their effects. Let's assess each option:

a. Built fish traps across rivers: This practice could have a minimal impact on the environment because fish traps can be designed in a way that avoids harmful alteration to the ecosystem.

b. Harvested bark from trees: Harvesting bark from trees could have a minimal impact as it does not necessarily require cutting down the entire tree.

c. Dammed rivers, altering salmon runs: This practice would have a major impact on the environment as it alters the natural flow of rivers and disrupts the migration patterns of salmon, affecting both the ecosystem and native people's traditional food sources.

d. Logged old-growth forests: Logging old-growth forests would cause significant impact, resulting in deforestation and loss of habitat for numerous species.

e. Filled in swamps: Filling in swamps can cause major environmental damage by disrupting the natural hydrological and ecological functions of the ecosystem.

f. Burned forested areas to increase plant diversity: Controlled burning of forested areas can actually benefit the environment by promoting plant diversity and reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfires.

g. Tore down hills to make cities: This practice would result in significant environmental impact, including habitat destruction, soil erosion, and alteration of the natural landscape.

From the options provided, the ways in which Washington's native people produced a minimal impact on their environment would be:
- Built fish traps across rivers (option a)
- Harvested bark from trees (option b)
- Burned forested areas to increase plant diversity (option f)

Therefore, the correct options are a, b, and f as they show practices that had a relatively low impact on the environment.

Pls Help, if I miss this I'm gonna fail.