What type of figurative language is used in lines 1–4 of the poem?

a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
from the walrus and the carpenter

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What conclusion can you draw about the moon in the excerpt?

a. She enjoys sharing the night sky with the sun because it’s fun.
b. She thinks the night belongs to her and her alone.
c. She is envious of the sun’s bright beams.

Which detail from the poem best supports the conclusion you drew in the previous question? *

a. And this was odd, because it was The middle of the night.
b. The moon was shining sulkily,
c. Because she thought the sun Had got no business to be there

Which is the best paraphrase of the first stanza? *

a. The sun was shining on the waves of the ocean. Even with the sun out, it was so dark that it seemed like nighttime.
b. The sun was shining and making the waves of the sea bright. This was very strange, because it was night.
c. The sun was trying very hard to shine on the bright waves. He couldn’t shine hard enough, though, because it was too dark.

I agree with all except #4.

ok thank u

what should 4 be?

Reread the question for #4, as well as the first stanza of the poem.

is it b?

Not "b" either.

1 c

2 b
3 c
4 b