Gatsby's father shows schedule that young Gatsby had made in the back of a book during his childhood. What does this schedule suggest to us about Gatsby? How does it add to - or change - our understanding of his quest to "win" daisy?

im really struggling to anser this and extend my thinking and writing for this question. Can someone please help me??

Go to and look up this title. Read lots, including the character analysis.

Of course! Let's break down the question and consider how to approach it.

First, the question asks what the schedule that Gatsby's father shows Nick suggests about Gatsby. To answer this, we need to examine the scene where Gatsby's father shares the schedule. It is important to analyze the details within the schedule itself, such as the activities listed, the regularity of the schedule, and any patterns or themes present. These elements provide clues about Gatsby's character, habits, and aspirations.

Secondly, the question asks how this schedule adds to or changes our understanding of Gatsby's quest to "win" Daisy. To answer this part, it is crucial to compare the information from the schedule to Gatsby's pursuit of Daisy. Look for connections between the activities in the schedule and Gatsby's efforts to impress and win Daisy's love. Consider how this schedule reflects Gatsby's dedication, determination, and possible self-improvement.

To extend your thinking and writing, here are a few points you can consider:

1. Analyze the activities in the schedule: Look for any patterns or thematic elements. Do they suggest a focus on self-improvement or a desire for success?

2. Compare the schedule to Gatsby's quest: Identify any overlaps or similarities between the activities listed in the schedule and Gatsby's plan to win Daisy. How might these activities contribute to his pursuit of her?

3. Consider Gatsby's dedication: Reflect on the regularity and consistency of the schedule. What does this suggest about Gatsby's commitment and determination to achieve his goals? How might this dedication relate to his pursuit of Daisy?

4. Evaluate the impact of the schedule on our understanding: Does this schedule enhance our understanding of Gatsby's character and motivations? How does it contribute to our perception of his relentless pursuit of Daisy?

By answering these questions and providing specific examples, you can expand your thinking and writing to develop a comprehensive analysis of the schedule and its significance to Gatsby's quest for Daisy's love.

Remember, it is important to support your arguments with evidence from the text and to connect your ideas back to the central theme or message of the novel. Good luck!