From the following list, choose two poems for this constructed response: "concrete cat", "Haiku", and "Limerick." in the poems you read in collection 3, the poets use different forms to express their thoughts and feelings about this subject. imagine that their poetic forms changed. how would each poem be different if its form were exchanged with another form? write a paragraph discussing how each poem would be different with a new form.

I chose a Haiku called basho and a limerick called limerick:
An old silent pond . . .
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again
There was a young fellow named Hall,
Who fell in the spring in the fall;
'Twould have been a sad thing
If he'd died in the spring.
But he didn't — he died in the fall.
Please tell me how to find the awnser

Follow directions:

1. imagine that their poetic forms changed. how would each poem be different if its form were exchanged with another form?

2. write a paragraph discussing how each poem would be different with a new form.

You must do the first (make notes or brainstorm) before you can even attempt the second.

No one here will write your assignment for you, but if you post what you write, someone here may be able to critique it for you.


If Basho, A haiku became a limerick, the first, second and fifth line rhyme, while the third and fourth lines are shorter and share a different rhyme. If Limerick became a haiku, it would have 5 syllables for first line, 7 syllables for second line, then 5 syllables for third line. An example of a haiku is a short poem about nature.

To find the answer for how each poem would be different if its form were exchanged with another form, you need to analyze the characteristics and structure of the original forms and compare them to the new forms. Here is a breakdown of the analysis for each poem:

1. Haiku ("basho") - Haiku is a traditional Japanese form consisting of three lines with a syllable count of 5-7-5. It typically captures a single, striking image or moment in nature. If the Haiku form were exchanged with the Limerick form, the poem would be quite different. Limericks have a distinct structure of five lines with a distinctive rhyme scheme (AABBA) and a humorous or nonsensical tone. In this case, the Haiku's concise and contemplative nature would contrast with the limerick's playful and storytelling style. The new poem might lose the essence of the original Haiku's simplicity and meditative quality.

2. Limerick ("limerick") - A limerick is a humorous form with five lines and a specific AABBA rhyme scheme. It often tells a short, funny story. If the Limerick form were exchanged with the Haiku form, the resulting poem would differ significantly. Haiku is known for its brevity and focus on capturing a single moment or image. Applying the Haiku structure to the limerick would require condensing the story and developing a concise, impactful image or scene. The new poem might lose the limerick's humorous narrative and punchline, changing the overall tone and effect.

By considering the structure and characteristics of the original forms and comparing them to the proposed new forms, you can analyze how each poem would be different if its form were exchanged. Remember to address these differences in terms of structure, tone, and overall impact in your paragraph for your constructed response.