Translate (–5, 9) right 7 units and down 5 units. Find the coordinates of the image point.

(12, –4)
(–12, 4)
(2, –4)
(2, 4)

translate right means add 7 to x

translate down means subtract 5 from y

plot the two points on some graph paper to see this.

To find the image point after translating (–5, 9) right 7 units and down 5 units, we need to add the respective amounts to the x and y coordinates.

Adding 7 to the x-coordinate and subtracting 5 from the y-coordinate, we get:

x-coordinate: -5 + 7 = 2
y-coordinate: 9 - 5 = 4

Therefore, the coordinates of the image point are (2, 4). The correct answer is (2, 4).

To find the image point after translating the point (–5, 9) right 7 units and down 5 units, we can simply add the respective values to the original coordinates.

We start with the coordinates (–5, 9).

To translate right 7 units, we add 7 to the x-coordinate. Therefore, the new x-coordinate is: -5 + 7 = 2.

Next, to translate down 5 units, we subtract 5 from the y-coordinate. Thus, the new y-coordinate is: 9 - 5 = 4.

Therefore, the coordinates of the image point are (2, 4).

Hence, the correct answer is (2, 4).