Hey guys! I'm going to be testing your minds with a riddle.

What comes once in a minute, Twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years.....

Looking it up isn't allowed:)

the letter "m"


I've heard that one a lot :)

That's a great riddle! To figure out the answer, let's break it down and analyze the clues.

The first part says, "What comes once in a minute." This suggests that there is something that occurs only once during each minute.

The second part says, "Twice in a moment." This implies that the same thing happens twice during a single moment.

Lastly, the riddle states, "but never in a thousand years." This means that whatever the answer is, it does not happen even once over a span of a thousand years.

Now let's think about something that could fit all these criteria. One possible answer is the letter "M." The letter "M" appears once in the word "minute," twice in the word "moment," but it doesn't appear anywhere in the phrase "a thousand years."

So the answer to the riddle is the letter "M"! I hope that explanation helped you figure it out without having to look it up.