Someone please help me with this ONE question!!

#23.) Complete each of the following sentences using the appropriate indirect object pronoun.
a.) Yo ____ es un regalo a mis padres.
b.) A nosotros, ____ gusta estudiar espanol.
c.) Mis padres ____ compraron una falda bonita para mi hermana.
d.) A mi, _____ encanta visitar Costa Rica.

Please study indirect objects here.

To complete each of the following sentences using the appropriate indirect object pronoun, we need to determine the correct pronoun for each sentence.

a.) Yo ____ es un regalo a mis padres.
To find the correct indirect object pronoun for "My parents," we need to know which pronoun corresponds to that noun. In this case, "mis padres" means "my parents."

The correct indirect object pronoun for "my parents" is "les."

So the sentence would be: Yo les es un regalo a mis padres.

b.) A nosotros, ____ gusta estudiar español.
To find the correct indirect object pronoun for "us," we need to know which pronoun corresponds to that noun. In this case, "a nosotros" means "to us."

The correct indirect object pronoun for "us" is "nos."

So the sentence would be: A nosotros, nos gusta estudiar español.

c.) Mis padres ____ compraron una falda bonita para mi hermana.
To find the correct indirect object pronoun for "my sister," we need to know which pronoun corresponds to that noun. In this case, "mi hermana" means "my sister."

The correct indirect object pronoun for "my sister" is "le."

So the sentence would be: Mis padres le compraron una falda bonita para mi hermana.

d.) A mí, _____ encanta visitar Costa Rica.
To find the correct indirect object pronoun for "me," we need to know which pronoun corresponds to that noun. In this case, "a mí" means "to me."

The correct indirect object pronoun for "me" is "me."

So the sentence would be: A mí, me encanta visitar Costa Rica.