A worker has a board that is 6 yards long. He cut it into 3 equal pieces. How many inches long is each piece?

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To find out how many inches long each piece is, we need to convert yards to inches.

1 yard is equal to 36 inches.

So, 6 yards would be equal to 6 x 36 = 216 inches.

Since the board was cut into 3 equal pieces, each piece would be 216 / 3 = 72 inches long.

Therefore, each piece would be 72 inches long.

To find the length of each piece in inches, we first need to convert yards to inches.

1 yard is equal to 36 inches. Therefore, to convert 6 yards to inches, we multiply:

6 yards * 36 inches/yard = 216 inches

Next, we divide the total length in inches by the number of equal pieces.

216 inches / 3 pieces = 72 inches

So, each piece is 72 inches long.