How to make 78% concentrated h2s04 by adding 98% concentrated h2s04 to 56%concentrated h2so4

hmmm. just keep adding it till the concentration rises to 78%

assuming the percents are by volume.

So assume you want XX ml of 78 percent ..
Va= concentrated stock at 56 percent
Vb= 98 percent stock in ml
but Va+Vb=xxx
two equations, two unknowns
I get..
.98Vb-.56Vb= (.78-.56)xxx
or Vb=xxx*.22/.42= .52xx check that.
and Va= you do it.
and I probably would look at the fraction of Vb per unit of Va

To determine how to make a 78% concentrated H2SO4 solution by combining different concentrations of H2SO4, we need to use the concept of dilution and the equation for calculating the dilution of solutions.

The equation for dilution is:

C1V1 = C2V2

C1 = initial concentration of the solution (98% H2SO4)
V1 = volume of the initial solution to be used
C2 = final concentration of the diluted solution (78% H2SO4)
V2 = final volume of the diluted solution

In this case, we want to create a solution that is 78% concentrated H2SO4, and we are combining two different concentrations: 98% and 56% H2SO4. However, to determine the exact quantities needed, we'll need more information.

Let's assume that we want to make 1 liter of the 78% H2SO4 solution.
1. Start by assigning variables for the volumes of the two solutions to be used:
- Let's call the volume of the 98% H2SO4 solution V1.
- The volume of the 56% H2SO4 solution will be 1V - V1 (as we are making 1 liter).

2. Now, set up two equations using the dilution equation for both the H2SO4 and water content (since the total volume should be 1 liter):
- For the H2SO4: 0.98 * V1 + 0.56 * (1V - V1) = 0.78 * 1V
- For the water content: 0 * V1 + 0.44 * (1V - V1) = 0.22 * 1V

3. Simplify both equations:
- 0.98V1 + 0.56V - 0.56V1 = 0.78V
- 0.44V - 0.44V1 = 0.22V

4. Rearrange the equations to solve for V1:
- 0.42V1 = 0.22V

5. Solve for V1:
- V1 = (0.22V) / 0.42

By plugging in the value of V (in this case, V = 1), we can calculate V1, which will represent the volume of the 98% H2SO4 solution needed to achieve the desired concentration.

It's important to remember that the volumes calculated using this method assume ideal mixing and do not take into account any possible changes in volume due to density or temperature differences. Always consult a reliable source or laboratory manual for the specific concentration you want to achieve and any safety considerations.