16. What is the function and corresponding endmark for the below sentance?

I can't believe you did'nt call me

O interrogative (?)
+ imparitive (. or !)
O declaritive (.)
O exclamitory (!)

Am I correct, is it imparative?

So would it be exclamitory?

Yes, exclamatory.


Read carefullfy: http://plato.algonquincollege.com/applications/guideToGrammar/?page_id=3243

No, the function of the sentence "I can't believe you didn't call me" is not imperative. To identify the function and the corresponding endmark of a sentence, you need to analyze the type of sentence and its purpose.

The given sentence is a declarative sentence, which means that it is making a statement or expressing an opinion. The speaker is expressing disbelief about a situation.

The endmark for a declarative sentence is usually a period (.), indicating a statement or a fact. Therefore, the correct answer in this case is:

O declarative (.)