Hi, i am confused with (7a*8c )-1. Is 1 getting subtracted from the brackets or is the -1 being multiplied by the brackets. How do i know if the -1 can come in front of the equation like this: -1+(7a*8c ). How do i know if the -1 can come in front of the equation like this: -1*(7a*8c). Please answer my confusion

addition is commutative, so

x-1 is just the same as -1+x

Unless otherwise indicated, multiplication is done before addition. If you want to multiply -1 by the expression in parentheses, that would be
where a * is implied between the )(, just as 7a is the same as 7*a

Thanks, so this question can be written as -1+(7a*8c) (adding -1 and (7a*8c)) and (7a*8c)-1 (subtracting 1 from (7a*8c)) would also be right. Is my understanding of this question correct?

Also, -1(7a*8c) (multiplying -1 by (7a*8c)) would be the same as (7a*8c) (-1) (multipling -1 by (7a*8c). Is my understanding of this question correct?

To understand how the expression (7a*8c)-1 should be interpreted, you need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

According to PEMDAS, multiplication and division should be performed before addition and subtraction. However, when there is a negative sign (-1) in front of an expression, it can be a bit tricky.

In the expression (7a*8c)-1, the -1 is not being multiplied by the entire expression inside the parentheses. Instead, it is subtracting 1 from the result of the multiplication.

So, the correct interpretation of (7a*8c)-1 is that you should first evaluate the multiplication 7a*8c, and then subtract 1 from the result.

If you want to represent the subtraction of 1 from the expression (7a*8c) in a form where the -1 comes in front, you can write it like this: -1 + (7a*8c). This indicates that you are subtracting 1 from the result of (7a*8c).

However, if you want to represent the multiplication of -1 with the entire expression, it would be: -1 * (7a*8c). In this case, you are multiplying -1 with the entire expression inside the parentheses.

To summarize:

(7a*8c)-1: Subtract 1 from the result of (7a*8c).
-1 + (7a*8c): Subtract 1 from the result of (7a*8c).
-1 * (7a*8c): Multiply the entire expression (7a*8c) by -1.

The use of parentheses or explicit multiplication signs helps clarify the intended operation.