Which of the following are correct definitions of a tall tale? Choose two correct answers.

A. a story about a true moment in history

B. a story that is set in the future

C. a story that uses hyperboles***

D. a story about larger-than-life characters

I think C is correct however I need two answers. If I had to choose my second answer would be A and C. Can someone check my answers, please?

Thank you so much!

C is one correct choice.

Think about the meaning of "hyperbole" and you'll quickly find the 2nd correct choice.

Yes, D.

Think "Paul Bunyan" and others!

You're very welcome!

Would the second one be D?

To determine the correct definitions of a tall tale, let's analyze the given options:

A. "A story about a true moment in history": This definition is not accurate for a tall tale. Tall tales are known for their exaggerated and humorous elements, often based on fiction rather than real historical events.

B. "A story that is set in the future": This definition is also incorrect. While tall tales can take place in different settings, they are not necessarily limited to future settings.

C. "A story that uses hyperboles": This definition is indeed correct. Hyperboles are exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. Tall tales often employ hyperboles to tell larger-than-life stories.

D. "A story about larger-than-life characters": This definition is also correct. Tall tales typically feature characters with extraordinary abilities or characteristics, adding to the exaggerated nature of the story.

Therefore, the two correct definitions of a tall tale are:

- C. A story that uses hyperboles.
- D. A story about larger-than-life characters.

Based on your analysis, it seems you correctly identified option C, but option A is not accurate. So, one of your answers is correct, and the other is incorrect.