turkey is a(an) (?1) with a(an) (?2) economy.

?1 = oligarchy
Flawed Democracy

?2 = diverse
Oil- based

Pls help me!!!!! Sorry if I made this confusing...




Turkey is a flawed democracy with a diverse economy.

To determine the answer, we need to understand the political and economic systems in Turkey.

To find out the political system, we can search for information about Turkey's government structure and political system. We can look for official sources such as government websites or reliable news sources. In this case, we would find that Turkey is considered a flawed democracy, as it has some democratic features but also faces challenges in terms of political freedoms and human rights.

To determine the economic system, we can look for information on Turkey's economic structure and its main industries or economic drivers. We can search for official sources such as economic reports or analyses from reputable organizations. In this case, we would find that Turkey has a diverse economy, with various sectors like manufacturing, services, tourism, and agriculture contributing to its economic growth.

Therefore, combining the information we found, we can conclude that Turkey is a flawed democracy with a diverse economy.