the question asks to compare and contrast the fight for civil rights for Mexican Americans and African Americans. i don't remember much about the civil rights for Mexican and African Americans, and i tried using the study guide, but it didn't give enough info about this. if you could plz help or give me a clue of what to write i would really appreciate it.

-thank you 😁

( Plz hurry i don't have much time)

Try googling:

To compare and contrast the fight for civil rights for Mexican Americans and African Americans, you can start by researching the key events and figures associated with each movement. Here's a guide on how to get the information you need:

1. Begin by using online search engines and reputable websites to find relevant articles, books, or scholarly sources on the civil rights movement for Mexican Americans and African Americans. Look for sources that provide detailed information about the historical context, key events, influential leaders, and the strategies employed in each movement.

2. While searching, use specific keywords such as "Mexican American civil rights movement" and "African American civil rights movement" to narrow down your results and find targeted information.

3. Government archives, university libraries, and online databases such as JSTOR or Google Scholar can be valuable resources for finding scholarly articles, historical documents, and first-hand accounts of these movements.

4. Look for primary source materials, such as speeches, letters, and photographs, from leaders like Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, or Malcolm X. These can provide valuable insights into the goals, challenges, and achievements of each movement.

5. Compare and contrast the goals and demands of the civil rights movements for Mexican Americans and African Americans. Consider their objectives, such as addressing racial discrimination, segregation, voting rights, employment opportunities, and educational equality.

6. Analyze the strategies employed by each movement. Did they share similar methods, such as nonviolent protests and civil disobedience, or were there notable differences in their approaches? Look into the role played by organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), the United Farm Workers (UFW), or the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF).

7. Consider the impact and outcomes of both movements. Were there significant legislative changes, court cases, or social reforms as a result of their efforts? Assess how these movements influenced the broader civil rights movement in the United States.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find and cite them properly to ensure the accuracy and reliability of your information. Good luck with your research, and take the time you need to ensure a thorough and well-informed response.