how does rationalism differ from myths

a. rationalism explains the natural world in terms of gods; myths explain the world by saying it’s all certain rules that can be discovered through reason
b myth explains the natural world in terms of gods; rationalism explain the world by saying it’s all certain rules that can be discovered through reason
i’ve been working on this test all day! please help with this question<3

B. Myth explains the natural world in terms of gods; rationalism explains the world by saying it’s all certain rules that can be discovered through reason.

In rationalism, knowledge and understanding are obtained through the use of reason and logical thinking. Rationalists believe that the world operates according to certain rules and laws that can be understood and explained through the application of reason.

On the other hand, myths are traditional stories or legends that are passed down through generations. They often involve supernatural beings, gods, and goddesses, and are used to explain natural phenomena, human behavior, and the origins of the world.

Therefore, while rationalism relies on reason and logic to understand the natural world, myths explain the world through the actions and beliefs of gods and other mythical beings.

To determine the difference between rationalism and myths, let's break down the options provided:

Option a: Rationalism explains the natural world in terms of gods; myths explain the world by saying it’s all certain rules that can be discovered through reason.
Option b: Myth explains the natural world in terms of gods; rationalism explains the world by saying it’s all certain rules that can be discovered through reason.

Based on the options, it seems that rationalism is associated with explaining the natural world through certain rules that can be discovered through reason. On the other hand, myths are associated with explaining the natural world in terms of gods.

To further clarify, rationalism is an approach that emphasizes reasoning and logical thinking as a means of understanding the world. It seeks to explain phenomena by examining evidence, using logical deductions, and relying on empirical observations. Rationalism is generally grounded in the principles of science and critical thinking.

On the other hand, myths typically involve traditional stories or legends that are passed down through generations to explain natural phenomena, often ascribing them to divine or supernatural entities. These accounts often have symbolic or cultural significance and may not necessarily rely on empirical evidence or logical reasoning.

Therefore, considering the options given, option b accurately describes the difference between rationalism and myths. Rationalism explains the natural world through certain rules that can be discovered through reason whereas myths explain the world in terms of gods.