In the third stanza of the poem, which lines rhyme?

I think the answer is C,Please check my answer.

To identify the rhyming lines in the third stanza of a specific poem, please provide the actual lines from the poem. Then, I can analyze the lines and determine which ones rhyme.

To identify the rhyming lines in the third stanza of a poem, follow these steps:

1. Locate the third stanza: Read or find the poem and count the stanzas to determine which one is the third stanza.

2. Determine the rhyme scheme: Look for a pattern in the end sounds of each line in the stanza. Rhyme schemes are often represented with letters, such as AABB, ABAB, or ABBA.

3. Analyze the end sounds: Pay attention to the last words of each line in the third stanza. Words that have the same or similar end sounds may indicate potential rhymes.

4. Compare the end sounds: Begin by examining the first line of the stanza and compare its end sound to the end sound of the second line. Then, proceed to compare the second line's end sound with the third line, and so on.

5. Identify the rhyming pairs: If lines have the same end sound, mark them or note them down as a potential rhyme pair. Keep going until you have examined all the lines in the stanza.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the lines that rhyme in the third stanza of the poem.

What poem?

What lines??