
1 The memory of cannon fire fades like evening mist.
2 Footsteps echo softly above me
3 My bride kneels at a stone.

What conclusions can you draw from about the reader?

A, The speaker is a soldier in his first battle, fearful of what is to come.
B, The speaker is a soldier killed in war who left behind a wife.
C, The speaker is a soldier who feels guilt about those he killed in war
D, The speaker is a soldier returning home from war.

Be careful of these lists of answers without explanations. Sometimes kids deliberately post wrong answers. Sometimes teachers and/or test publishers mix the questions and answer choices up. Sometimes they change them completely!

Be aware!

To draw conclusions about the reader based on the given text, we can analyze the information provided in each line.

Line 1: "The memory of cannon fire fades like evening mist."
This line suggests that the speaker has experienced cannon fire during some past event. The use of the word "memory" implies that the event is not currently happening.

Line 2: "Footsteps echo softly above me."
The phrase "footsteps echo softly above me" implies that the speaker is in a place below where someone else is walking. This suggests that the speaker might be underground or in a lower position.

Line 3: "My bride kneels at a stone."
This line indicates that the speaker has a bride who is kneeling at a stone. While the context of the stone is not explicitly mentioned, it is often associated with graves or memorials, suggesting that the speaker's bride may be mourning or paying respects to someone who has passed away.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that option B, "The speaker is a soldier killed in war who left behind a wife," is the most plausible conclusion. The mention of cannon fire, the echoing footsteps suggesting an underground or lower position, and the presence of the speaker's bride at a stone all contribute to this conclusion.


1. B
2. D
3. A

#3. Part A.) Is A
Part B.) Is C
5.1IS A AND 2 IS B
6. A