What is the probability of selecting a “B” on the first spinner and a “Z” on the second spinner?

d. 1/4

1/4 * 1/4 = 1/16

Does each spinner have 4 equal-sized pieces?

nu the first one yea the second 3


help soup

Did you not read oobleck's reply above??

To determine the probability of selecting a "B" on the first spinner and a "Z" on the second spinner, we need to know the number of equally likely outcomes for each spinner.

Let's say the first spinner has 4 equally likely outcomes: A, B, C, and D. Since we are interested in the probability of selecting a "B" on the first spinner, there is only 1 favorable outcome out of the 4 possibilities.

Now, let's assume the second spinner has 3 equally likely outcomes: X, Y, and Z. We want to know the probability of selecting a "Z" on this spinner, which again has only 1 favorable outcome out of the 3 possibilities.

To find the probability of two independent events occurring together, we multiply their individual probabilities. Therefore, the probability of selecting a "B" on the first spinner and a "Z" on the second spinner is:

(1/4) * (1/3) = 1/12

So, the correct answer is b. 1/12.

How many sections are on each spinner?

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