European immigrants came to texas by way of

A. Galvestion
B. El Paso
C. Houston

The key to answering this question is “European” — so google your WHOLE question, not just part of it.

i have no ide

To determine the correct answer to this question, we can look at historical information regarding European immigration to Texas. Here are the steps you can take to find the answer:

1. Research historical periods of European immigration to Texas: Start by researching the time periods when European immigrants were coming to Texas. This will give you an understanding of when and where these immigration waves occurred.

2. Identify major ports of entry: Find out which cities in Texas served as major ports of entry for immigrants during the relevant time periods. Ports were typically the primary arrival points for immigrants.

3. Assess the locations mentioned in the question: Evaluate the options given in the question: Galveston, El Paso, and Houston. Determine if any of these cities were major ports of entry for European immigrants.

4. Verify the correct answer: With your research findings, cross-reference the ports of entry with the options given to select the correct answer.

Based on historical information, the major port of entry for European immigrants to Texas during the late 19th and early 20th centuries was Galveston. Therefore, the correct answer to the question would be A. Galveston.