Paired Passages: Fire from the Rock & The Little Rock Nine 10) How do these two passages differ in the tone of their narrator? A) The narrator of the first passage is frightened. The narrator of the second passage is angry. B) The narrator of the first passage is naive. The narrator of the second passage is authoritative. C) The narrator of the first passage is subjective. The narrator of the second passage is objective. D) The narrator of the first passage is optimistic. The narrator of the second passage is pessimistic.

so what is the answer

poop donkeys frcking answer the question

yeah whats the answer

To determine the difference in the tone of the narrator between the two passages, we need to examine the attitudes, viewpoints, and emotions expressed by each narrator.

To find the answer, we should begin by analyzing each passage separately and identifying the tone of the narrator in each one.

In the passage "Fire from the Rock," the narrator is describing a character named Sylvia, who is preparing to go to school amidst the tension and racial conflict during the time of desegregation. The narrator's voice in this passage can be characterized as fearful or frightened, as they communicate Sylvia's apprehension and anxiety about the situation. This information rules out options B) and C).

Now, let's move on to the second passage, "The Little Rock Nine." This passage is a historical account of the events surrounding the integration of Little Rock Central High School and focuses on the experiences of the nine African American students involved. The tone of the narrator in this passage can be described as angry, given the injustices faced by the students, their determination to fight segregation, and the overall tenor of the narrative. This indicates that option A) is incorrect.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) The narrator of the first passage is optimistic. The narrator of the second passage is pessimistic. The first passage conveys the fear and uncertainty of the protagonist, Sylvia, while the second passage expresses the anger and frustration felt by the narrator towards the racial discrimination faced by the Little Rock Nine students.

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