The poems are concrete cat haiku and limerick

in the poems you read in collection 3 the poets choose different forms to express their thoughts and feelings about the subject. Imagine That there poetic forms changed. How would each poem be different if its form were exchanged with another form? Write a paragraph discussing how each poem would be different with a new poem. Support your ideas with text evidence from the poem.

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To analyze how the poems "Concrete Cat Haiku" and "Limerick" would be different if their forms were changed with another form, let's first examine the structure and characteristics of each poem. "Concrete Cat Haiku" follows the traditional haiku format, consisting of three lines with a 5-7-5 syllable pattern. The poem describes the physical appearance and behavior of a cat, capturing a moment in time. On the other hand, the poem "Limerick" follows a humorous format with a distinct rhyming pattern (AABBA) and a specific rhythm. It tells a brief, light-hearted story that typically ends with a surprising twist.

If the form of "Concrete Cat Haiku" were exchanged with that of a limerick, it would drastically change the tone and style of the poem. Instead of focusing on a singular moment, the limerick would introduce a narrative element with a humorous twist, potentially incorporating wordplay or a funny punchline. For example, a new limerick might describe a mischievous cat getting into various entertaining shenanigans.

On the other hand, if the form of "Limerick" were exchanged with that of a haiku, it would result in a different structure and tone. The concise three-line format would require condensing the story or idea into a brief snapshot. The poem might focus on one key event or highlight a specific aspect of the story, providing a more contemplative and thought-provoking perspective.

To support these ideas, we can examine the text of each poem. In "Concrete Cat Haiku," the lines "sleeping in the sun / dreaming of birds and mice / pouncing through the grass" clearly depict a moment in time and capture the essence of a cat's behavior. If this were transformed into a limerick, it would require expanding upon this snapshot and incorporating a humorous twist.

Similarly, with the text evidence of "Limerick" - "There once was a cat from Peru / Whose fur had a curious hue / She mewed with delight / As she took flight / On a broomstick to catch just a few" - we can see the presence of a humorous narrative structure. If this were transformed into a haiku, it would need to focus on a specific event or emotion within a concise three-line format.

Therefore, by exchanging the forms of "Concrete Cat Haiku" and "Limerick," we would encounter marked differences in the tone, structure, and overall impact of each poem. The new poem iterations would reflect the characteristics and expectations associated with their respective forms.