Why did Britain and France adopt a policy of appeasement when meeting hitler for the first time at the Munich Conference?

Your text will be your best reference for this, but I’d think they either didn’t know how dangerous he was or they knew but were trying to appease him.

What does your text say?

Britain and France adopted a policy of appeasement when meeting Hitler for the first time at the Munich Conference primarily due to a combination of factors and circumstances. Here's an explanation of why appeasement was chosen and how it came about:

1. Historical Context: The legacy of World War I played a significant role in shaping the appeasement policy. The memory of the devastating war and its human and economic toll pushed many politicians in Britain and France to avoid a repeat of such a conflict at any cost.

2. Psychological Factors: The trauma of World War I and the desire to prevent further bloodshed led to a collective exhaustion and a widespread longing for peace. Many politicians and citizens hoped that by appeasing Hitler, they could avoid another devastating war and maintain peace in Europe.

3. Economic Considerations: The global economic depression of the 1930s had a severe impact on Britain and France. Both countries were grappling with economic hardships, and war would exacerbate their already fragile economies. Appeasement was seen as a way to avoid conflict and promote economic recovery.

4. Military Unpreparedness: At the time, Britain and France were not fully prepared for war. They lacked sufficient military resources and were still recovering from the previous conflict. A policy of appeasement allowed them to buy time and build up their military forces without engaging in immediate hostilities.

5. Fear of Bolshevism: There was a prevalent fear among some politicians that fighting against Hitler might result in a communist revolution. They believed that by appeasing Hitler, they could prevent the spread of communism and maintain stability within their own countries.

6. Lack of International Cooperation: The League of Nations, established as a collective security organization, was weakened and undermined by the absence and disunity of major powers like the United States and the Soviet Union. With limited support from other nations, Britain and France felt reluctant to confront Hitler aggressively.

In summary, the policy of appeasement was adopted by Britain and France when meeting Hitler at the Munich Conference due to a combination of historical, psychological, economic, military, and political factors. It was seen as a way to prevent another devastating war, recover economically, and buy time to prepare militarily. However, it ultimately proved futile as Hitler's territorial ambitions and aggressive actions continued, leading to the outbreak of World War II.