Changes to the earth that can be explained by plate tectonics include all of the following except _____.

mountain ranges

I think it is volcanos because earthquakes and erosion and mountians are all formed from plate tectonics.

Tbh all i need was the answer and the way to find the answer and the explanation i did not get any of this on here !!!

its volcanos

this doesnt help at all


To determine the correct answer, let's go through each option and see how plate tectonics relates to it:

1. Earthquakes: Plate tectonics play a significant role in the occurrence of earthquakes. The Earth's outermost layer, known as the lithosphere, is broken into several large and smaller plates that float on the semi-fluid layer underneath, called the asthenosphere. Earthquakes commonly occur at plate boundaries where these plates interact, such as convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. So, plate tectonics does explain the occurrence of earthquakes.

2. Erosion: Erosion, in itself, is not directly related to plate tectonics. Erosion refers to the process of wearing away or breaking down the Earth's surface through weathering, transport, and deposition of sediment by various agents like water, wind, ice, or gravity. While erosion can be influenced by factors like topography, climate, and vegetation, it is not primarily driven by plate tectonics. Therefore, erosion can be excluded as an effect of plate tectonics.

3. Mountain ranges: Plate tectonics is directly responsible for the formation of mountain ranges. When two continental plates converge, they collide, leading to compression and deformation of the crust. This compression results in the upward folding and faulting of rocks, which eventually leads to the formation of mountain ranges. Examples of such mountain ranges include the Himalayas, the Andes, and the Alps. So, mountain range formation is indeed explained by plate tectonics.

4. Volcanoes: Plate tectonics also plays a significant role in the formation of volcanoes. Volcanoes are commonly found near plate boundaries, particularly at convergent and divergent boundaries. At convergent boundaries, where an oceanic plate subducts beneath a continental plate or another oceanic plate, the subducted plate melts, creating magma that rises to the surface and forms volcanoes. At divergent boundaries, where two plates move apart, magma rises from the asthenosphere, creating new crust and volcanic activity. Therefore, plate tectonics explains the presence of volcanoes.

By the process of elimination, the correct answer is erosion, as it is the only option not directly explained by plate tectonics.

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Use the process of elimination. For example, it isn't earthquakes because that obviously can be explained with plate tectonics.

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