1) Which event started world war 1?

A. the sinking of the Lusitana
B. Germany's invasion of Russia.
C.the assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.
D.the landing of the U.S troops in force.

Quick check: Return to War

1. Which event started World War l?

Answer: the assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary

2. What role did alliances play in the onset of war?

Answer: They required more nations to become involved.

3. How did the Selective Service Act affect Minnesotans?

Answer: It required young men to register for the military.

This is for connexus user not sure if it will work for others schools.
Yw :)

what are the answers

well ima try to do it but no one is gonna get them try them urself

cerealbox girl is 100%

yea yea is right

The event that started World War 1 was option C, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. To arrive at this answer, you should be familiar with the historical context of World War 1. In June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia by a Serbian nationalist. This event triggered a series of diplomatic and military actions that eventually led to the outbreak of World War 1. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and their allies declared war on Serbia, which in turn drew other countries into the conflict. The sinking of the Lusitania, Germany's invasion of Russia, and the landing of U.S. troops occurred later in the war and were not the events that directly started it.

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