What is one way the Romans were able to conquer such a large territory?

A. They would not often trade with other cultures

B. They won military battles including the Punic wars

C. They used the phalanx as a military formation

D. They refused to borrow ideas from other cultures

the answer is B. They won military battles including the Punic wars

And you think ... ?

I thought it was a

Not A.

Those with the military power won wars — and thus won territory. The Romans were very good at both.

The correct answer is B. They won military battles, including the Punic wars.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options A, C, and D, as they are all incorrect statements.

Option A, stating that Romans would not often trade with other cultures, is not accurate. In fact, the Romans were known for their highly developed trade networks and extensive trade relationships with other civilizations. They established trade routes and engaged in commerce with various cultures, which contributed to their economic prosperity and cultural exchange.

Option C refers to the phalanx military formation, which was actually used by the ancient Greeks, not the Romans. The Romans predominantly utilized their own formation called the manipular legion, which was a more flexible and adaptable military strategy.

Option D claims that the Romans refused to borrow ideas from other cultures. However, the Romans were open to adopting and incorporating varied practices, technologies, and customs from the cultures they conquered. This cultural assimilation played a significant role in their ability to govern diverse territories effectively.

Therefore, option B, stating that the Romans were able to conquer such a large territory by winning military battles, including the Punic wars, is the correct answer. The Punic wars, fought between Rome and Carthage in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BCE, resulted in Roman victory and expanded their control over the Mediterranean region. This conquest greatly contributed to the growth of the Roman Empire.