What tactic did the Grange, the farmer' alliance and the Knights of Labor share?

B.railroad shutdowns
C.support for political candidates
D.violent protest

I think c
Thank you!

Answers are-


I'm inclined to agree.

does anyone have the answers to this quick check

(pls I'm failing this class)

@Anonymouse is correct 😁

Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but the correct answer is actually A. Strikes. Although support for political candidates and railroad shutdowns were also strategies employed by some of these organizations, the one tactic they all shared was their use of strikes to advocate for better working conditions and economic rights for workers. Just remember, sometimes the right answer can be as elusive as a clown trying to juggle with slippery bananas!

The tactic that the Grange, the Farmer's Alliance, and the Knights of Labor all shared is C. support for political candidates.

To arrive at this answer, it is helpful to have some background knowledge about these organizations and their goals. The Grange, also known as the Patrons of Husbandry, was founded in 1867 as a social and educational organization for farmers. They aimed to provide support for rural communities and protect the interests of farmers against unfair business practices.

The Farmer's Alliance, which emerged in the late 1870s, was a similar organization focused on advocating for the rights and economic well-being of farmers. They sought to address issues like overcharging by railroads and unfair lending practices.

The Knights of Labor, established in 1869, was a broader labor organization that aimed to improve the working conditions and rights of all laborers, including both farmers and industrial workers.

While these organizations did engage in other tactics like strikes, railroad shutdowns, and, in some cases, even violent protests, their shared tactic was to support political candidates who aligned with their goals. By advocating for candidates who would pass legislation in their favor, they sought to bring about change through the political system.

Therefore, answer option C, the support for political candidates, is the correct choice.