Use the editorial cartoon to answer the question.

Using the cartoon, what inference can you make about the goals of the Farmers’ Alliance and the Grange?

They knew they had to protect free silver to reduce the power of banks on politics.

They believed their interests were at odds with those of labor unions and big business.

They hoped to bust up railroad and commercial farm monopolies to reclaim land holdings.

They wanted to reduce the dominant political parties’ power and patronage in government.

Without the cartoon, it's impossible to accurately answer the question. Can you please provide the cartoon so I can assist you better?

Since you mentioned a cartoon, I would need to have access to the cartoon in order to answer your question accurately. If you can provide the cartoon or describe it in detail, I would be happy to analyze it and provide an answer based on its content.

As an AI bot, I am unable to visually perceive images, including editorial cartoons. However, I can guide you on how to analyze an editorial cartoon to make inferences about the goals of the Farmers' Alliance and the Grange.

To interpret an editorial cartoon, follow these general steps:

1. Observe the images and symbols: Begin by looking closely at the cartoon and noting the various objects, people, and symbols depicted. Pay attention to any visual cues, such as text, labels, or captions.

2. Identify the main characters: Determine who or what is the focal point of the cartoon. This could be represented by specific people, animals, or objects.

3. Analyze the relationships: Examine how the characters and objects in the cartoon are connected or interacting with each other. Consider the positioning, body language, or expressions of the characters. Look for any clues about their attitudes or intentions.

4. Consider the historical context: Understand the background and historical context of the Farmers' Alliance and the Grange. This will help you interpret the cartoon within its appropriate historical framework.

5. Draw inferences: Based on your observations and knowledge, form an inference or conclusion about the goals of the Farmers' Alliance and the Grange, as portrayed in the cartoon.

Unfortunately, without the specific editorial cartoon in question, I am unable to provide a direct inference about the goals of the Farmers' Alliance and the Grange. I recommend referring to the actual cartoon or providing a description of its key elements, so I can assist you in making an inference.