if you find you are not handiling stress in your life very well the best course of action is to?

a. ignore the stressors in your life and move on
b. wait for someone to notice and intervene
c. find someone to talk to about things causing you stress
d. start avoiding the situations that cause you stress(like skipping the class where your project is due).****
am i right?

I would pick C because usually the best course of action when one faces stress is to talk to someone.

C is correct.

To determine the best course of action when you're not handling stress well in your life, it is important to consider strategies that can effectively address and manage stress. Let's analyze the options you've mentioned:

a. Ignore the stressors in your life and move on: Ignoring stressors may offer temporary relief, but it doesn't address the underlying issues causing stress. Ignoring stressors can lead to increased anxiety and potentially worsen your well-being in the long run.

b. Wait for someone to notice and intervene: While it would be ideal for someone to notice your distress and offer help, it is not a reliable or proactive approach. Waiting for others to intervene might prolong your stress and prevent you from actively seeking solutions.

c. Find someone to talk to about things causing you stress: This option is a constructive approach. Seeking support from someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or therapist, can provide an outlet for expressing your feelings and gaining perspective. They might also offer advice or guidance on managing stress.

d. Start avoiding the situations that cause you stress (like skipping the class where your project is due): Avoidance tends to exacerbate stress in the long run. By avoiding stressors, you miss the opportunity to confront and overcome stress effectively. Skipping important responsibilities, like a project, can lead to further stress and negative consequences.

Based on the analysis above, option c, "find someone to talk to about things causing you stress," is the most suitable answer. Seeking support and discussing your stressors with someone can contribute to a healthier stress management approach.