What does the speaker in "In Just---" Mean when he says that "The world is puddle-wonderful"?

A. The world is full of puddles******
B. Spring is rainy and wet
C. winters drought has ended
D. the balloon man fell into a puddle

This is a very whimsical poem, so you need to think about a person who is really loving the first spring days, even if there are puddles. Which of those choices indicates the end of winter?


To understand the meaning behind the speaker's statement in "In Just---" when they say that "The world is puddle-wonderful," we need to analyze the context and the language being used in the poem.

"In Just---" is a poem by E.E. Cummings that celebrates the arrival of spring and the joy it brings to children. The poem uses playful and imaginative language to convey this sense of optimism and renewal.

When the speaker describes the world as "puddle-wonderful," they are using figurative language to describe the beauty and excitement of spring. The word "puddle" suggests that there is water on the ground, likely from recent rain. This reinforces the idea that spring is a rainy and wet season (option B). However, option A, which states that the world is full of puddles, is not fully accurate because the phrase "puddle-wonderful" is not meant to be taken literally.

The term "wonderful" further emphasizes the speaker's sense of awe and appreciation for the world during springtime. It suggests that the speaker finds delight in the sights and sounds of nature after a long, cold winter. The word "puddle-wonderful" is a playful and imaginative way to convey the speaker's positive feelings about the world.

Based on this explanation, the best interpretation of the speaker's statement is that they mean the world is full of beauty and wonder during the spring season, which includes the presence of puddles as a symbol of rejuvenation and joy. Therefore, option A, "The world is full of puddles," is the most accurate interpretation in this context.