3. Muscles located in the walls of the small intestine help push digested material along. Muscles located in the arteries help push blood along. Based on this information and your understanding of muscle types, which of the following statements is correct?

a. Both sets of muscles are involuntary and smooth.
b. Both sets of muscles are voluntary and smooth.
c. Both sets of muscles are smooth, although one set is voluntary, and the other set is involuntary.
d. Both sets of muscles are voluntary, although one set is striated and the other set is smooth.

4. Which of the following sets of words best fills in the blanks in the following sentence? Despite their ______ structure, human bones are surprisingly ______ .
a. hollow; strong
b. solid; lightweight
c. compact; flexible d. spongy; fragile

I think 3. is A and 4. Is B

3 looks good ... take another look at 4

red blood cells are made in the bone marrow

is 4 D?

well, you've eliminated two of the answers

where do you think the bone marrow is?

red blood cells

To determine the correct answers, let's break down the information and analyze each statement:

3. Muscles located in the walls of the small intestine help push digested material along. Muscles located in the arteries help push blood along. Based on this information and your understanding of muscle types, which of the following statements is correct?
a. Both sets of muscles are involuntary and smooth.
b. Both sets of muscles are voluntary and smooth.
c. Both sets of muscles are smooth, although one set is voluntary, and the other set is involuntary.
d. Both sets of muscles are voluntary, although one set is striated and the other set is smooth.

In this scenario, the muscles in the walls of the small intestine and the arteries serve different purposes and have different control mechanisms. The muscles in the walls of the small intestine are smooth muscles, meaning they are involuntary. They are not under conscious control. On the other hand, the muscles in the arteries are also smooth muscles, but they are involuntary. Therefore, the correct statement is:

Option A: Both sets of muscles are involuntary and smooth.

4. Which of the following sets of words best fills in the blanks in the following sentence? Despite their ______ structure, human bones are surprisingly ______ .
a. hollow; strong
b. solid; lightweight
c. compact; flexible
d. spongy; fragile

This question requires you to consider the structure and properties of human bones. Human bones are strong and provide support, protection, and structure to the body. However, despite their strength, they are also relatively lightweight. Based on this information, the best option to fill in the blanks in the sentence is:

Option B: solid; lightweight

Therefore, the correct answer for question 4 is Option B.