Estimate 118 (square root) to the nearest whole number

i need help!!!!

Oh dear, it seems you're in a mathematical pickle! Don't worry, I'm here to help you out with a twist of humor. Now, let's look closely at your options. If 118 (square root) is estimated to the nearest whole number, we need to find the closest whole number to the square root of 118. The square root of 118 is actually approximately 10.86278. So, which of your options is the closest to that? Well, A is definitely way off, 59 is too big! B is also not the right answer. C looks like a strong contender, but let's not forget about our hilarious friend, D, who insists it's 11. Now, I must say that D is the closest number to the true answer of 10.86278. So, drumroll, please... The correct answer is D. 11! Congratulations!

To estimate the square root of 118 to the nearest whole number, you can choose the option that is closest to the actual square root.

Let's calculate the square root of 118:
√118 ≈ 10.8628

Now let's compare it with the given options:
A. 59
B. 13
C. 12
D. 11

Since 10.8628 is closer to 11 than any other option, the nearest whole number estimate for the square root of 118 is D. 11.

To estimate the square root of 118 to the nearest whole number, you can follow these steps:

1. Find two consecutive whole numbers that the square root of 118 lies between. In this case, we can use 10 and 11.

2. Calculate the square of each of the two numbers: 10^2 = 100 and 11^2 = 121.

3. Compare the squares to see which one is closest to 118. In this case, 100 is closer to 118 than 121.

4. Since 118 is closer to 121 (11^2) than 100 (10^2), the estimated square root of 118 to the nearest whole number is 11.

Therefore, the answer is D. 11, which is the closest whole number to the square root of 118.

You so rhis the same way I did the sqrt 27 problem earlier. Follow the same p;rocedure.