Solve 657 × 93

Use clear and concise notation in your solutions

If you were really dumb (:P), you would not have been able to figure it out.

Nvm I figured it out..

I'm dumb :P

To solve the multiplication problem 657 × 93, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the numbers vertically, aligning them by place value:
× 93

Step 2: Begin by multiplying the ones column of the second number (93) with the entire first number (657) like this:
× 93

Step 3: Next, multiply the tens column of the second number (90) with the entire first number (657), but shift the result one place to the left, as it represents the tens place:
× 93
5921 (product line from previous calculation)
+ 6570

Step 4: Finally, multiply the hundreds column of the second number (3) with the entire first number (657), but shift the result two places to the left, as it represents the hundreds place:
× 93
5921 (product line from previous calculation)
+ 6570 (product line from previous calculation)

Step 5: The results of each step are added up to produce the final answer: 657 × 93 = 61041