At the halftime show, a marching band marched in formation. The lead drummer started at a point with coordinates (–2, –5) and moved 3 steps up and 1 step right.

a. Write a rule to describe the translation.
b. What were the coordinates of the drummer's final position?

I would really appreciate the help. I don't know what to doooo. Thank youuu 😊:).

you can tell right-left and up-down, can't you?

(a) (x,y) β†’ (x+1,y+3)
(b) right: add to the x-coordinate
up: add to the y-coordinate

oobleck thank youuu i really appreciate it!! :)

a. To describe the translation, consider the following:

- The drummer started at coordinates (–2, –5).
- The drummer then moved 3 steps up and 1 step to the right.

Therefore, the rule for this translation can be written as: "Move 3 units up and 1 unit to the right from the starting point."

b. To find the coordinates of the drummer's final position, we can apply the rule to the starting position:

Starting position: (–2, –5)
Moving 3 steps up means the y-coordinate increases by 3: –5 + 3 = –2
Moving 1 step to the right means the x-coordinate increases by 1: –2 + 1 = –1

Thus, the drummer's final position is at coordinates (–1, –2).