Could I get a little help please? I think it's D

How do the words “exciting” and “theater” in the following sentence help the reader understand the word “dramatic?”

“Dramatic moments make a story exciting, but walking the plank is just that—theater.”

A) They emphasize that dramatic things are often not real.

B) They draw a connection between real life plank walking and movie plank walking.

C) They emphasize that dramatic events are expected by an audience.

D) They illustrate the difference between real life plank walking and movie plank walking.

Okie Thank you!

How are B and D different, besides in their wording?

One is a difference and the other is a similarity

OK … making sure you understand that!

Yes, I agree with you — D.

You're welcome!

To determine how the words "exciting" and "theater" in the given sentence help the reader understand the word "dramatic," we can analyze the context and meaning of the sentence.

First, let's identify the words in question. In the sentence, the phrase "Dramatic moments make a story exciting, but walking the plank is just that—theater," the words "exciting" and "theater" are used.

Now, let's consider each answer choice and see which one aligns with the use of these words in the sentence:

A) They emphasize that dramatic things are often not real.

Although dramatic moments can sometimes be fictional, the presence of the words "exciting" and "theater" does not necessarily indicate that all dramatic things are not real. Therefore, this answer choice is unlikely.

B) They draw a connection between real-life plank walking and movie plank walking.

The sentence does not mention any connection between real-life and movie plank walking. Hence, this answer choice is not supported by the given sentence.

C) They emphasize that dramatic events are expected by an audience.

The words "exciting" and "theater" suggest that dramatic moments are intended to captivate and engage an audience. Therefore, this answer choice seems plausible.

D) They illustrate the difference between real-life plank walking and movie plank walking.

This answer choice directly relates to the use of the words "exciting" and "theater" in the sentence. By contrasting the excitement and drama of the overall story with the theatrical representation of walking the plank, the words help illustrate the difference between real-life and movie plank walking. Thus, this answer choice aligns with the sentence.

Based on the given sentence, it is most likely that the correct answer is D) They illustrate the difference between real-life plank walking and movie plank walking.