Can I do nursing with these subjects?

Mathematical literacy,history,geography and touris

Need more math, more basic sciences.

Career choices with maths literacy , Geography ,history and tourism

To determine if you can pursue a nursing career with the subjects you mentioned (mathematical literacy, history, geography, and tourism), it is essential to consider the specific academic requirements of nursing programs in your country or region. Typically, nursing programs have specific subject prerequisites that are necessary for admission.

While subjects related to healthcare, sciences, and biology are generally more relevant for nursing, it doesn't necessarily mean that a combination of other subjects, like the ones you mentioned, would disqualify you from pursuing a nursing career.

To know for sure, here are a few steps you can take to find out if you meet the requirements:

1. Research nursing programs: Explore the nursing programs offered by different universities or colleges in your area. Look for their specific admission requirements and prerequisite subjects.

2. Contact admissions offices: Reach out to the admissions offices of the nursing programs you are interested in and inquire about their subject requirements. They will provide you with accurate information about which subjects are essential for admission.

3. Consider additional courses: If you find that your current subjects may not meet the requirements, you can explore taking additional courses or upgrading your qualifications. There might be options to take individual courses or enroll in bridging programs to fulfill any missing prerequisites.

Remember, the requirements for nursing programs can vary, so it's crucial to reach out to specific universities or colleges to get the most accurate information.