I forgot My science book...

1. About 20% of radiation from the Sun is ___
2. About 25% of radiation from the sun is ___
3. About 5% of radiation from the sun ___
4. About 50% of the sun's rays ___
5. Absorbed Radiation is reemitted as ___
6. Explain what radiation balance means.
7. List the 3 kinds of energy transfer and give an example of each.

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I'm sorry to hear that you forgot your science book. However, I can still help you find the answers to your questions.

1. To determine what about 20% of radiation from the Sun is, you can search for information about the electromagnetic spectrum and the distribution of solar radiation across different wavelengths.

2. Similarly, to find out what about 25% of radiation from the Sun is, you can search for information on solar energy distribution and absorption by the Earth's atmosphere and surface.

3. For the question about 5% of radiation from the Sun, you can search for data on solar radiation absorption or factors influencing the Earth's energy budget.

4. To understand what happens to about 50% of the sun's rays, you can search for information on solar radiation reflection, scattering, or absorption by various surfaces or objects.

5. Absorbed radiation is often reemitted as heat or infrared radiation. To get a more detailed understanding, you might search for information on the greenhouse effect, energy balance, or radiative forcing.

6. Radiation balance refers to the equilibrium between the incoming radiation from the Sun and the outgoing radiation from the Earth. It is influenced by factors such as the Earth's albedo (reflectivity), greenhouse gases, and atmospheric conditions. To understand it further, you can search for information on Earth's energy budget or radiation balance.

7. The three kinds of energy transfer are conduction, convection, and radiation.

- Conduction is the transfer of heat energy through direct contact between objects or substances. An example is when you touch a hot stove, and heat is transferred from the stove to your hand through conduction.

- Convection is the transfer of heat energy through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases). An example is the circulation of warm air rising and cool air sinking, creating convection currents in the atmosphere.

- Radiation is the transfer of heat energy through electromagnetic waves, such as infrared radiation. An example is how the Sun's energy reaches the Earth through radiation.

To get a more comprehensive understanding of these concepts and find specific examples, you can search for information on heat transfer or energy transfer in science resources or textbooks.