Which of the following is evidence of religious tension in South Asia?

A. Civil War in Sri Lanka
B. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
C. Pakistani government attacking East Pakistan
D. British colonization of India

I'm kind of thinking D because the British are a different religion than South Asia but I also think C because the question is talking about tension and the only reason the Pakistani government might attack East Pakistan is because of tension.

The answer is A. I checked a different site ( brainily ) and there was a screenshot with the answer to the question on it ( civil war in Sri Lanka was check-marked and the other answers had x's besides them)

so I'm pretty sure the answer is A.
sorry I came in so late!

thank you!

The correct answer is A

trust me i promise this is the correct answer

C is incorrect

I agree with C.

mmm idk man although hot cheat girl kinda hot. I think she wanna screw over our grades so I think c is correct cuz writeteacher said so.

East Pakistan hasn't existed since 1971. We now call it Bangladesh. The reasons why there were East and West Pakistan at the independence of India from Britain have always been somewhat muddy for me.

British colonization ended around 1945.

What is the time frame this question is including?

Ok. thank you!

What is your answer?