Am I allowed to study nursing with life sciences geography tourism l.o English at any university

Who knows? Ask your university advisor, not us.

Yes, you can study nursing

To determine if you are allowed to study nursing with your current combination of subjects, you will need to check the admission requirements of specific universities. Each university has its own set of requirements for their nursing program.

Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Start by compiling a list of universities that you are interested in attending. You can look for universities that offer nursing programs in your desired location.

2. Visit the official websites of each university you've identified. Look for the section dedicated to admissions or the nursing program.

3. Navigate through the admissions requirements or prerequisites section to find the specific subject requirements. The information may be listed as required courses or subjects needed for admission into the nursing program.

4. Check if any of the universities you are interested in require specific subjects such as biology, chemistry, or mathematics. These subjects are often common requirements for nursing programs. If your combination of subjects doesn't meet the requirements, you may need to consider additional courses or explore universities with more flexible criteria.

5. If you are uncertain about any information or cannot find the specific requirements, it's best to contact the university's admissions office directly. They can provide you with accurate and up-to-date information regarding their nursing program admission requirements.

Remember, nursing program requirements may vary, so it's important to research specific universities to determine if your combination of subjects meets their criteria.