A shopkeeper marked a prices of an article a certain percent above the cost prices and he allows 16 percent discount to make 5 percent profit if a customer paid 9492 with 13 percent vat to buy the article,by what percent is the marked prices above the cost prices of the article

You should really proofread your post before posting it.

A single comma in such a long run-on sentence is hardly considered

Anyway ....
Let the cost price be x
After a 16% discount we are looking at .84x
Wants to make a profit of 5%, so he should sell at .84x(1.05)
Let's add the 13% VAT, to get .84x(1.05)(1.13) = .99666x

.99666x = 9492
x = 952381 ????

Are they selling at a loss?
Am I not interpreting your post correctly?

another approach:
the 9492 included the 13% VAT, so before that it was 8400
This represent the cost price x, reduced by 16%, then increased by 5%
or .84x(1.05)

.84x(1.05) = 8400
x = 8400/(.84(1.05)) = 9523.81 <---- same thing

Please clarify your post