What is the crossword answer to "traveled to" in Indiana studies weekly week 18 slavery. 9 letters and I already have s---u--e-

To find the crossword answer to "traveled to" in Indiana Studies Weekly Week 18 slavery, we can follow these steps:

1. Look for the clue in the crossword puzzle: "traveled to."
2. Note the number of letters in the answer, which is 9.
3. Take into account the letters you already have, which are "s---u--e-."

Next, we can try to find a word that fits these criteria. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Suppose the answer is "soughtuse" (9 letters), where "s" represents the first letter and "e" represents the last letter. However, this is not a commonly used word and may not be correct.

2. Another possibility could be "pursuance" (9 letters), where "s" represents the first letter and "e" represents the last letter. "Pursuance" means the act of pursuing or chasing someone or something.

To determine the correct answer, it's necessary to consult the Indiana Studies Weekly Week 18 slavery crossword puzzle directly. Each crossword puzzle may have different answers, so referring to the actual puzzle is the most reliable way to find the correct answer.