Ama is 4 times older than her brother.Ama is 16 old will they be in 12 years time.

To determine how old Ama's brother is, we need to divide Ama's age by 4. Since Ama is currently 16 years old, her brother's age would be 16 divided by 4, which is 4.

To find out how old they will be in 12 years, we need to add 12 to their current ages.

Ama will be 16 (her current age) + 12 (the number of years) = 28 years old.

Ama's brother will be 4 (his current age) + 12 (the number of years) = 16 years old.

So, in 12 years' time, Ama will be 28 years old and her brother will be 16 years old.

So Ama is 16 and her brother is 4.

Add 12 to each.